Friday, June 29, 2007

i-Camp notes

OK - blind blog here - Apple's closed down all uploading from external devices so more later when I'm better 'connected' but a few things too good NOT to report:

1. 1-800-Mattress delivered to the sidewalk (via pedicab!)

2. Poker game next to me looking for 6 folks $100 buy-in each for - you guessed it - $600=i-Phone. Chips are candy from FAO Schwartz.

3. Saving Red Bull in a water bottle for later - everyone thinks it's urine!

4. Majority alternate telco poll deems T-Mobile's gonna hurt the most this evening ;-)



Unknown said...

Hey Eric, could you shoot me an e-mail at


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

sorry, I meant

jkali said...

Less than 2 hours

I need a Bubbles Bangles and Beads report!

oh look an iPhone cake