Friday, June 29, 2007

The Grand i-Finale

A whole lot at the end, here. Line buddies Tim and Evan (Who has a date tonight!!!!) hang out with me and await the ultimate consumer experience. Earlier Tim is beleagured by a Rubick's Cube specialist from FAO Schwartz after using the restroom. My friend Paul met me & confirmed he wanted an i-Phone, too! Ramona & I tried to have a quick sip of champagne before I was swept away in line, but were caught by a policeman, pictured below, and forced to pour the whole thing - yes, I mean the BOTTLE - onto the pavement! Dave Pogue uses us a backup singers for a rendition of "I Got an i-Phone!" (sung to the tune of "I Did it My Way"). Then the countdown begins & we're cheered into the temple depths. Greg Packer ascends with his treasures, as do we! We retreat to the Helmsley Park Lane to nurse our victory over cocktails.

I guess the next thing you hear about this may be via phone! ;-)

Paul's decision

Getting pumped

Going in

Descending the Staircase

Greg P's Booty

Up & out!

Great to be on the far side of this but I wouldn't have missed it for the world!


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