Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Off to New iLeans

Sorry for the gap, folks! Will catch up upon my return - cheers!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Louis Calling

Of course we knew this would happen. Funny, though, how they stared blankly when I went in there asking about it after waiting all night before iDay. Guess I'd better get my original Chanel finished ;-) Thanks for the link, Chris!

Second Skin

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What can iSay?

And what's the nutritional value? This courtesy of Paul:


Sunday, July 8, 2007


Had to happen sometime; what's an 'earth-shattering' event without a special cocktail? 'Enjoy.'



Finally! An iPhone / Champagne combo; something I've been searching for forever (meaning since June 29th) in order to 'segway' from one beloved topic to another! (Hic) Here's an up-and-comer giving us a little iDay bubbly info - how POPropo!

Celebration time

This guy is pretty interesting. FYI, the main site's tv.winelibrary.com


Saturday, July 7, 2007

You scream; iScream

For my audience of.......... er, two, maybe? I'm just establishing some perspective & lettin' you know some out there have 'gone' a little further!

Oh, oh, oh; it's MAGIC

Cold calling

I swear I had nothing to do with this!

Sea food diet


Thursday, July 5, 2007

More iCandy

Me & Dave Pogue & 1000 other folks, live on..... well, 5th Avenue and 59th Steet. One night only! I'm in the iChorus at the left at the end. 15 minutes? More like .00000000005! Oh, well iTake what iCan get ;-)

click here to go WAY off Broadway!

And here's a cozy new accessory, link courtesy of Joanne!

I can't hear you; your stitch dropped

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

iDependance Day

Happy 4th to all. So "five minutes ago," now, right? I'm still figuring out more & more about how the phone works.

Getting my POP email to work was a bitch-kitty indeed, but persistance pays off. Tech support at Earthlink hung on with me through about a hundred settings cominations and then some joy. Whew. So a shout-out to them and to SMP Digital here in new york who did a great job - as usual! - with my t-shirt.

FYI - MacWorld made a MUCH BETTER quality video of 'iDay' than 'iDid,' so check it out. My line buddy Tim's in here near the end gettin' grilled with a Zapruder trivia question - he got it right & won a prize (wasn't a free iphone, so I can't remember what it was!).

Also, other line buddy Evan reports his iDate went well & as expected, with no pressure, 'cause all he wished to do was pass out ;-). But this is favorable since a good date #1 is a definite path to date #2, and it most likely will not be immediately preceeded by 18 hours on the sidewalk!

Tim & MacWorld

I got myself microscopically pictured on the Apple site's own coverage of iDay but I will slap myself now & quit for the day...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Just a quick note (probably almost singularly self-congratulatory at this point, since we've all calmed down - I think!) to tell you I was very gratified to get one of the videos into YouTube's first batch for their portal on the iPhone! Not sure what the criteria is here, but maybe you reverse-engineers can figure it out! I can only imagine sombody saw it on the other and & thought it positive & relevant (or that it had the fabulous Ramona in it, of course!).

I only know it's NOT because it's a directatorial masterpiece! ;-) Link follows but no, you do NOT have to watch again; use the time instead to visit Apple & watch it on YOUR new phone instead!

Look who's #19!

And this is JUST to make Paul laugh: When my early-days (like position #5) interviews propagated worldwide, he sent me links to pages of Asian characters where the only Roman characters were our names and the words 'mac' and 'iPhone.' I couldn't resist copying a fragment and having a t-shirt made. Especially since it's been reported they're saying something terrible here! This one goes out to YOU, Paulie, from good ol' #88!


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sent from my..... guess!

The Apple of my i-Phone:

OK, just to let y'all know how much fun I've had with this baby today, I'm sending this post right from the phone itself!

Today I got email, watched my own video (which was REALLY cool, since they aren't all up there yet), & a whole lot of other stuff. Pretty darn fab.


What a turn-on!

Blessed relief - how quickly can you go from love to hate to love - it's workin' & I'm callin'! Just sitting here fuming and suddenly I hear a beep and a little glow and all's well in the land. After maybe just shy of 24 hours - could be worse, right? ;-) Well, let's call Paul first!

PS - Yes, you are permitted to throw up at the geekiness of this self-occupied flik.

Callin' Paulie - like you care!

PLUS: Don't know if I mentioned the need for an exclusive case; whiled away some waitin' time on Friday by popping into Chanel (like you do!) to inquire of their i-Phone case roll-out. Imagine my surprise when met with "You mean an i-Pod case?" or "We're always a little behind on the tech; check back next year."

Mind you this was in a very friendly and deluxe French tone. I decided to cut a deal: "Since you don't have a ready-made case, can I have a shopping bag with your blessing and run back to the line and have the first official INTERIM i-Phone case. I swear it went down this way. I know most of you reading this have NO trouble beliving that. Voilá!

The secret strategy beyond this is that I'm gonna get my wife Ramona, who is crackerjack with shears and a sweing machine to actually whip it into a reinforced form-fittin' shape so it actually WILL be a case! Then back to Chanel for further 'validation'!
