Sunday, July 1, 2007

What a turn-on!

Blessed relief - how quickly can you go from love to hate to love - it's workin' & I'm callin'! Just sitting here fuming and suddenly I hear a beep and a little glow and all's well in the land. After maybe just shy of 24 hours - could be worse, right? ;-) Well, let's call Paul first!

PS - Yes, you are permitted to throw up at the geekiness of this self-occupied flik.

Callin' Paulie - like you care!

PLUS: Don't know if I mentioned the need for an exclusive case; whiled away some waitin' time on Friday by popping into Chanel (like you do!) to inquire of their i-Phone case roll-out. Imagine my surprise when met with "You mean an i-Pod case?" or "We're always a little behind on the tech; check back next year."

Mind you this was in a very friendly and deluxe French tone. I decided to cut a deal: "Since you don't have a ready-made case, can I have a shopping bag with your blessing and run back to the line and have the first official INTERIM i-Phone case. I swear it went down this way. I know most of you reading this have NO trouble beliving that. Voilá!

The secret strategy beyond this is that I'm gonna get my wife Ramona, who is crackerjack with shears and a sweing machine to actually whip it into a reinforced form-fittin' shape so it actually WILL be a case! Then back to Chanel for further 'validation'!


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